About Denyse

Since childhood I was always fascinated by the amazing sensation of freedom, strength and flexibility my body gave me.  I can remember feeling so lucky to have been given such a body to live in!   It was my mother who always said to me that ‘life is movement’.  Her quote has lived with me and in me.

My first training was in Body Control Pilates over 20 years ago.  I enjoyed every minute and once qualified taught in many studios.  For many years I had my own business focused on smaller classes and one to ones.  

I then attended a workshop run by the marvellous Tom Myers an anatomist and author of Anatomy Trains.  His work focused on the manual manipulation of fascia of the body.  I was so impressed with his work I immediately signed up and completed his training and qualified as a Structural Integrator.

Around the same time, I spent a week in St. Thomas’ Hospital in London working on dissecting cadavers to really learn anatomy.  Once home I made a shopping list of all the parts of anatomy I hadn’t seen and was able to go to St Andrews University Medical school for a week, fulfilling my passion to understand all parts of anatomy. 

My studies and passion then took me to the Barral Institute where I studied Visceral Manipulation with Jean Pierre Barral.   I am now registered as a therapist of this work on the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners (IAHP) www.iahp.com

My studies took me to discover Somatics, an amazing body therapy which I’ve fallen in love with and am now a qualified teacher.  It’s so accessible to everyone, young, old and especially those who have very little movement in their body through years of tension or injury.

And it doesn’t end there, I recently came across Ruthy Alon’s work.   Ruthy studied and worked with Moshe Feldenkrais for many years.  She developed her own work from Feldenkrais called ‘Bones for Life’ and ‘Movement Intelligence’.  I am proud to say that at 78 years of age I qualified in this work in March 2020 just before Covid19 lockdown!